Women's Hair Loss - Why Does It Happen?

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

By Eric Huff

You just may find it surprising that women's hair loss is a condition that's seen more frequently than people would think. The truth about female hair loss is that it happens close to as much as it does for men, even though men's hair loss gets more attention about it. So why don't you hear about it as often?

We're not sure if there are any TV programming or commercials devoted to this condition in women. A woman's hair can begin to thin due to a number of different causes. Continue reading to discover some of the reasons why a woman's hair may begin to thin.

Many women may already know that the time during pregnancy can often have a noticeable impact on their hair. The change is different for women, for some there's an increase in the rate of growth, and for others there's some loss of hair. After childbirth, the hair will begin to shed pretty fast for the women who experienced more hair growth.

It can be quite alarming, especially if this is your first pregnancy. But in time, after hormones and other body chemistries even-out, then the hair will also go back to the former state of normalcy. So the main point is to not let it get you too worked-up.

Men's hair loss is much more widely discussed than women's hair loss. So who really knows why this is the case, we don't know. However it is probably true that women are much more embarrassed about this and may not seek help with it. This will change though, we certainly do hope. In time and with research, women's hair loss will be understood better.

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