Male Hair Loss

>> Thursday, September 29, 2011

By Anju Mathur, MD

Did you know that hair loss in males is a symptom of andropause? And what is andropause? Andropause is a diminishing of hormone output in various glands of men, and it occurs in the fourth and fifth decade of life. It could possibly be called male menopause, but some of the symptoms are different in men than in women.

The word andropause comes from the word androgen, which merely means any male hormones - such as testosterone - responsible for male characteristics. Although male reproductive organs do not shut down during middle age, as do female reproductive organs, the glands produce a gradually diminishing amount of hormones, as a man gets older.

Not only baldness is a symptom of andropause - decreased muscle mass and strength, loss of libido, insomnia, nervousness, depression, low energy and weight gain can be symptoms as well. So are these results of aging inevitable? What can be done about it? That is what we will explore in the following paragraphs.

When women begin to go through menopause, doctors often prescribe replacement hormones to combat symptoms. Replacement of hormones can be just as beneficial to men. This is called hormone replacement therapy. It is important to know how much of which hormones to replace - not just replacing testosterone - and it is important that the replacements be exactly the same as the hormones the body produces - bioidentical hormones.

Many hormones being sold as replacements are not the same as the ones in the body, notably estrogen made from pregnant horse urine. But if you put a bioidentical hormone in the body, the organs will recognize and use it.

One must go through medical tests to find out the specific dose of which specific hormones to replace. Differences in age, diet and other factors can affect hormone loss - so each individual is different.

The idea is to bring the dwindling hormones of the body up to the same level as a youthful body. Testing, evaluation and replacement of the hormones needed can make a big difference to a man who has been experiencing unwanted weight gain, lack of energy and interest in life, trouble sleeping and loss of hair. These things can slow, stop and even reverse. It's like being young again.

There are no side effects to this natural procedure that slows the aging process. Many thousands of people have experienced new life and vigor from hormone replacement therapy. There's no reason to age quickly - slow it down! Enjoy youth.

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The Issues Dealing With Hair Loss Treatment St. Louis

>> Wednesday, September 28, 2011

By Sadie Wyatt

The head is one of the most important items when dealing with looks. People put a lot of stock and care into the maintenance of their head to the point that allows them to be the person who they desire. Color treatments and other forms of care that can cause damage to the head and stop growth. This is the main issue when it comes to hair loss treatment St. Louis.

The hair can stop growing because of many things. Too much processing for the head can cause reduction because of too much chemicals. Others can happen naturally with the environment. No matter what the source is, the outcome is always the same, the loss or problem.

Besides for the source, there are a lot of treatments that are available for a person. These include being able to place certain follicles in the correct places. This can give a natural look to those who are concerned with the reduction. The adding of it gives a natural flow to the head.

There is also a multi-step that deals with the rejuvenating of the head. It deals with making the environment better for the growth. The steps deal with stimulating the follicles. The next step is to make sure that the subject takes to the procedure. The steps are long, but the results show favoring results for people.

The next is a rejuvenating process that is a full scale grow back system. The treatment is in phases and starts with rebuilding the follicles with the correct nutrients. This step is followed by several others that eventually start growth on the head.

The good thing about hair loss treatment St. Louis is that it provides an extensive outline of how to grow the follicles back. This can open a new life for those who have suffered from the issues in the past dealing with their heads. The days of a new head has arrived as people move towards treatments that will help to expand its growth.

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A Look at Some Leading Hair Loss Treatments

>> Saturday, September 24, 2011

By Elena Lopes

Hair loss can be an upsetting problem at any age, whether you're male or female. The majority of cases are due to hereditary reasons rather than medical issues, however people still want to just save their hair! In this article we'll be looking at the various things you can do when you start losing your hair.

In a few cases, some prescription drugs that are used for medical reasons can cause hair loss. Various drugs, including antidepressants and chemotherapy, can have this kind of effect. Men who take steroids for athletic or endurance reasons are at risk of losing their hair, as well as some other effects. Should you suspect any medication that you're taking is causing the thinning or loss of hair you should consult your doctor to find a solution. But you should keep in mind the fact that not many hair loss cases are caused by medication, most are simply natural, so just because you're taking medication of some sort does not mean that it's the cause of your hair loss. Women that are pregnant may start to notice that their hair will fall out which is usually due to hormonal changes. You can also have thickness of your hair change, as well as the texture, during pregnancy. There is no need to be concerned as your hormones will change and your hair will revert to normal. Even though this is a natural occurrence, you can consult your doctor if you have a question. Conditions like these often pass very quickly so there is no need to worry. Just wait for this to pass, and it will simply return to normal without you having to do a thing.

Unfortunately not all hair loss can be stopped. This isn't the end of the worse though, there are plenty of other options you can try. One option would be to wear a hair piece. Today, you have many good options in this area, as today's hair pieces are much more realistic looking than what you could find years ago. Wigs, or hair pieces, that are made from genuine human hair are hard to tell apart from your real hair, providing it fits well. It won't be cheap to get a good quality hair piece, and you should also make sure that the one you get fits well and looks very good. If your particular hair loss situation cannot be cured by regular treatments, this option may be a good choice for you.

A good thing to take a look at, if you've already tried some of the natural hair loss remedies, might be the traditional Indian method of healing called Ayurveda. You can sometimes find a few good products for your hair in natural food shops and online, however you should seek a qualified practitioner if you are really interesting in pursuing this. Doing this is best as it ensures your Ayurvedic treatment is personalized, therefore it takes everything into account. A whole diet change and lifestyle change may be recommended by an Ayurvedic doctor, and there are additional benefits than just improvement to your hair. Should you not wish to go down that route, you can discover a number of Ayurvedic treatments for the hair, including things like conditioners, shampoos and herbs.

There are many medical problems that could be worse then hair loss, however, for some people it is quite upsetting. If you associate your hair with your attractiveness or youth, it can be downright scary to lose it. In this article we have explored a variety of way to treat hair loss. It takes patience and a willingness to try different approaches to restore your hair.

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Get Help For Your Scalp With Hair Loss DC

>> Friday, September 23, 2011

By Shannon Reeves

It is a truth that as we age, our bodies tend to deteriorate and this can happen in a variety of ways. While many of us take these changes as symptoms of the inevitable, others can be greatly affected by changes that seemingly start much too early. For most men, and some women, the most distressing physical change is to their scalps. While there are no quick fixes, technology has progressed to the point that working with hair loss DC can make dealing with follicular issues productive, rather than just giving up and shaving your head.

While you can hide something like excess poundage or a bad hip, there aren't really any methods to hiding baldness that are completely effective. Hats and comb overs can make you feel better, but everyone around you will know exactly what you're trying to hide.

The medical community has smartly attacked this problem from a variety of different angles. Because the reasons behind balding can vary widely, the approaches to dealing with it are not one size fits all. There are a variety of methods available to patients.

Thinking that you're dealing with a loss that is normal shouldn't be done without consulting with a physician. There are a whole host of medical issues that can present themselves through secondary issues like hair loss. Just because you have more strands coming out in the shower doesn't mean that it is a normal problem.

If baldness runs in your family, however, you will most likely see the beginnings of the process on your own head through pattern baldness. This is a gradual thinning and then disappearance of hair in a central spot on the scalp which subsequently grows outward from there.

There are a variety of medications and topical ointments that can stimulate growth, but they may not work for everyone. In extreme cases it may be best to look to surgery. Unlike the results of the past that have been compared to the look and feel of a doll, doctors harvest strands from your own head. There are spots on your scalp that are still healthy and producing productive follicles. Taking from these areas and transplanting them to areas with follicular issues can stimulate growth and give you back the hair you've been missing. Read more about: Hair Loss DC

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What are the Reasons for Women's Hair Loss?

>> Thursday, September 22, 2011

By Janice Brown

When men begin to experience hair loss, it can be devastating to their emotions and self-esteem. However, what many people perhaps do not realize or understand is that women's hair loss does happen, and the effects are just the same if not worse. Women's hair loss is a major problem all over the world. In the western world, in particular, it can be a major cause of shame and embarrassment. Our society places a premium on women having luxurious and beautiful hair, no matter how old or young they may be. So for a woman to lose her hair is almost like losing her femininity and any semblance of beauty. The frequency of hair loss is the same for women and men. So, let's now talk about some of the reasons for women's hair loss.

There are certain medications that affect whether or not a woman gets to keep her hair. Some simply cause hair to fall out (like chemotherapy). Others cause hair to fall out because of the way the medication interacts with a woman's body chemistry. In other cases, the hair will not always fall out. Sometimes the medications impede the growth of new hair. When that happens, it will still look like her hair has fallen out. But as far as appearances are concerned, the look will be identical.

If you have hair loss, consider how much stress you are under in your life because that can be a contributor to hair loss. Hair growth and loss is directly effected by stress factors that exist in your life. There are women who discover that they lose more hair during high and prolonged stress. On the other hand, for some women the effect is to have a decreased rate of growth. Here's a quick and fast technique; it's just simple breathing but you should take long and deep breaths that will relax you. It really is important to find the time to relax for a short while every day. We all know the importance of frequent relaxation because it's something out bodies need.

Naturally, if a mother doesn't know about this it can be a little bit startling. The good news is that, once the hormones even out, the hair loss will stop and your scalp will even out in its hair production. All you need to do is be patient and try not to freak out too much.

Telogen effluvium is another female hair loss that is seen. This is also called temporary shedding. But this type of shedding is different because it happens very quickly. It can happen after some kind of traumatic event such as surgery, for example. Other possible causes are times of extreme emotional distress. Once the trauma is over and life returns to normal, so does the hair - it grows back. The bad news is that there isn't really any way to predict whether or not it will happen to you. It is a fact that hair loss in women is not as widely known or covered as it is for men. The sad part is that the same numbers of women have hair loss as do men. There are so many conditions and causes for hair loss in females. But we wanted to discuss some of the more commonly seen reasons.

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Women's Hair Loss - The Numbers Are Surprising

>> Wednesday, September 21, 2011

By Janice Brown

It's well known why men lose hair. Women are just as susceptible to hair loss as men. You may be surprised to know that some think women are more susceptible than men are to hair loss. What could be the reason for less attention being devoted to women's hair loss? It's unknown why that state of affairs exists. But what we'll do is talk about some of the more pertinent reasons for women's hair loss. All you have to do is keep on reading to find out.

You have probably heard of male pattern baldness. The same kind of condition happens to women, but it's just called female pattern hair loss. It's not same as androgenic alopecia, but it's similar to it. For women, it's just that the hair loss pattern is not the same as men. For men, there's a certain place, or places, where it starts, and then it moves out to other places. Women begin to thin at the crown, and all over the top, and it gets thinner.

The most obvious reason that a woman might lose her hair is to cancer therapy treatments. Hair loss or significant thinning can be caused by chemotherapy treatments. Fortunately, there is so much help and support available to women in this category. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

It's no wonder with all the incredible changes occurring during pregnancy that a woman's hair is also greatly affected. Some women lose hair faster than normal and others will grow it faster than normal. This is quite common after the baby is born when all of the extra hair that grew in while the woman was pregnant starts to be shed.

Menopause has the distinction of causing hair loss in a huge majority of cases with women. There are numerous changes that occur when menopause hits, and hair loss is among them. In fact, a woman loses more hair through shedding and other problems after she goes through menopause than she typically does beforehand. Her levels of estrogen will decrease, and that has an affect on other hormones and body chemistry. Unlike other types of hormone imbalances, however, in this case the hair loss cannot be brought back through hormone replacement therapy alone. There could be other options that you may be interested in, so speak with your family doctor.

Men's hair loss is much more widely discussed than women's hair loss. It's hard to say why this is so. It is perfectly understandable that most women are probably too embarrassed to seek help with this condition. We can only hope that this will change in time. Maybe with more patience and time things will change and women's hair loss will be understood more.

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Awareness of Women's Hair Loss

>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

By Janice Brown

We all know why men lose their hair. However, you may not realize that women also have the problem with hair loss. There is some research that suggests that women can be more inclined to experiencing hair loss. Why then, do we not hear as much about women's hair loss as we do about the various hair loss afflictions that affect men? We cannot provide a good answer for that. But we can talk about some of the reasons for women's hair loss. If you are interested in learning more, all you have to do is keep reading!

The most obvious reason that a woman might lose her hair is to cancer therapy treatments. Thinning and loss of hair due to chemotherapy is a well-documented side-effect. Fortunately, there is so much help and support available to women in this category. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

The pattern seems to be that there isn't really a discernable pattern. Hair loss can appear to be happening with some women, but it's due to her hormones. Many possible reactions can occur when the hormones become out of balance. Energy levels can be affected as well as moods and weight. The range of effect on hair include outright hair loss, or maybe some degree of thinning, but also an interruption in the growth cycle. The recommended course of action is to always see a doctor if you begin to detect changes similar to what we've discussed. Your doctor will need to measure your various hormone levels, and then he or she can tell you the best course of action.

One big contributor to hair loss in women is menopause. Menopause can be a tremendously difficult time for a woman because of all the changes that are happening. In fact, a woman loses more hair through shedding and other problems after she goes through menopause than she typically does beforehand. The main reason for this phenomenon is due to a drop in estrogen levels and the effect is has on other chemicals. Sadly, for women who lose a lot of hair due to this, it will not grow back even if replacement therapy for her hormones is undertaken. Talk with your doctor about the other options that are available to you.

Women's hair loss does not get as much press as men's hair loss. Obviously, no one really knows for sure why this is so. Women may very well be more reluctant to seek professional help because they're more sensitive about it which is understandable. Thankfully this is changing. Maybe with more patience and time things will change and women's hair loss will be understood more.

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The Real Key To Control Hair Loss In Women

>> Monday, September 19, 2011

By Janine Hermosa

There is no doubt that women need good, solid information on how to control hair loss. This is because it has been scientifically proven that the condition is as real in women as it is in men. Females even have it worse because there is a lot of pressure to have beautiful hair. This has always been a standard for feminine beauty. It is therefore a valid query to ask about the existence of possible hair fall solutions.

The real culprit in the condition in both genders is hormones. DHT, which is a male hormone is generated from testosterone and is responsible for damaging the follicles. In their damaged state, they are unable to nourish existing hair and support the growth of new strands. Women are not exempt from the effects of DHT because they have this in their bodies too. Estrogen normally manages DHT but when female hormone levels fluctuate, DHT can wreak havoc.

In women, the condition takes on the form of general or diffuse thinning. There are very few who experience complete balding. In some individuals, bald patches may appear but this can be the result of either a rare autoimmune disorder accompanied by severe illness or tight hairstyling which can pull clumps of hair from the roots.

Because hormones are the main players in female hair loss, it's only natural to explore hormone related remedies. Males in general enjoy the benefits of hormone blockers that can be used to control their hair conditions. Unfortunately, females cannot fully apply the same medication used by men. This is because some of the chemical components in these medications can be harmful to women.

One alternative is to opt for hormone therapy to control hair loss. This choice however may also have its disadvantages. Not every individual is a good candidate for the procedure. Even those who may receive a doctor's go signal may experience side effects that have unknown long term consequences.

What is left for women is the natural approach. Hair health may be better promoted by avoiding stressful situations that can cause sudden hair fall. It also makes sense to go for enhanced nutrition intake. Some vitamins and minerals especially those in the B complex family may help reduce hair fall. Since it is not always possible to get enough nutrients from food alone, some natural supplements have incorporated vitamins for the scalp in their products.

It's important to remember though that there are no studies that prove beyond a doubt that nutrition is the key to healthy hair. More extensive study is required to finally bridge the gap between nutrition and female hair loss. Nonetheless, it should be obvious that even if vitamins have less of a positive effect as expected, it is still very sensible to maintain good nutrition. In any case, healthy living can help you feel good about yourself even if you do suffer from a hair problem.

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The Basics About Hair Loss Minneapolis

>> Sunday, September 18, 2011

By Millie Rhodes

Hair loss Minneapolis is something that can affect anyone. Most people believe that this will only affect men but that is not true. It is important that you know what the possible causes are and how it can be helped. Of course some methods of help will not work for everyone.

Most people relate baldness to men. In men male pattern baldness is one of the most common genetic causes. Genetic causes have been researched by many people and it has been shown that it is likely to be passed down the generations. There are actually many different genes that can cause baldness. Some genes will have a larger impact than others.

Something that most people don't think about is this problem happening to women. While it is not common it does happen. There are certain events that have been linked to this like pregnancy, stress, chronic illness and crash diets. In general this happens to women aged 50 and over if not proceeded by one of the stressful events.

There are many ways that this problem can be managed. Prevention is a good idea and this can be done in a few ways. There are some solutions that can be used when the loss first appears and some have show results. The FDA has approved two drug-based treatments that will help with the re-growth of hair.

This process can actually be slowed by changing certain aspects of your life. The amount of stress you are under should be reduced to slow this. A treatment that a lot of people look at is a hair transplant. When this treatment is done hair producing follicles will be place into the bald area of the head. A large number of follicles will be transplanted to increase the chance of growth.

Hair loss Minneapolis is something that can affect anyone. Men and women suffer from this due to many different reasons. It is best that you consult a doctor before you try any products to help with this. Read more about: hair loss Minneapolis

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Why Does Women's Hair Loss Affect So Many Women?

>> Wednesday, September 14, 2011

By Eric Huff

All around the globe, women experience and suffer from loss of their hair in equivalent numbers as men. In fact, there are more things that have an effect on women's hair loss than there are that affect whether or not a man loses his hair. So why is this true for women? And what can prevent this in women? There has always been such a focus on men's hair loss, and maybe many men would be surprised to know this about women. Read this article to find out why so many women suffer from hair loss problems.

Thyroid disorders can adversely affect a woman's ability to grow hair. The thyroid is a powerful influence in women, and quite a few things can go wrong with it that will adversely affect a woman. The most widely recognized thyroid disorders are Hashimoto's disease and cancer. One thing that has become clear is that hair loss in women could 'possibly' be a symptom of many different kinds of disorders involving the thyroid gland. Sudden and unexpected hair loss for women is something that should be taken-up with a family physician.

Many women may already know that the time during pregnancy can often have a noticeable impact on their hair. While some women enjoy increased hair growth, others deal with the opposite. What often happens with the more hair growth is that it will fall out pretty quickly after her baby is born.

Women's hair loss is also largely due to her genetic background. Your family doctor can help you with more information in this regard, but we're talking about an estimate of your chances for having hair loss. The hard thing about this situation is that there's nothing that can be done about it, at least not yet. It is hard to give up that control over something that causes you so much embarrassment. There are two possibilities here, you can get expensive hair transplants that may help, or you can take measures to conceal the hair loss.

It's obvious that women's hair loss does not garner the equivalent amount of public attention than men's hair loss. Obviously, no one really knows for sure why this is so. Women may very well be more reluctant to seek professional help because they're more sensitive about it which is understandable. However we're hopeful this will change. Research, time, and public awareness will hopefully shed more light on this area.

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Buy Hair Growth Remedy

>> Tuesday, September 13, 2011

By Selena Williams

The hair loss condition is a very frequent problem nowadays, since men and women are equally affected by it. It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs daily, but what happens when you notice that the hair fall is beyond this limits? Well, you must react!

You cannot just wait and do nothing because you can really cure the hair shedding problem if you go for the right approach: the natural one. The medical experts suggest that the pure ingredients are your best friends when attempting to repair the hair texture and structure.

The medical experts found out that the constant usage of an all natural hair treatment might just be the best way to regain your healthy hairline. The pure and active ingredients manage to provide the right amount of nutrients and vitamins so as to generate the hair growth. Buy Provillus and see the way it works. You do not have to worry about the side effects, since the natural ingredients are compatible with each and every skin type. You are probably asking yourself 'Provillus where to buy?', but there is no need for you to worry. You can find it online, so the answer to your problems is just one click away.

Women and men are equally affected by this health condition, so it is imperative to find a highly efficient cure that could be used by all people. Provillus provides the best effects for everybody. What is more, the producers promise a full money refund just in case you are dissatisfied with the outcomes.

This amazing treatment is also compatible with each and every skin type, so you do not have to worry about the appearance of any side effects, such as skin lesions, rashes or irritations. Therefore, it is a safe and simple method that can help you regain your hairline gradually.

Try it right now and forget about your hair fall problems. Provillus is the best solution for you!

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Women's Hair Loss - What Are The Reasons For It?

>> Monday, September 12, 2011

By Eric Huff

Hair loss in men as well as baldness related products are seemingly everywhere; television commercials, magazine ads, and you name it. Did you ever see that one in which the "solution" was to actually spray a cover-up to make the hair look thicker? Certainly seems that most, if not all, of the media coverage addresses hair loss problems for men. The fact about women's hair loss is they do suffer from it and experience the same, if not more, emotional trauma. The shocking fact is that hair loss in women happens with greater frequency, and there's a wider variety of causal factors for it. Keep reading to discover a couple of reasons for this problem women have.

Thyroid disorders can adversely affect a woman's ability to grow hair. There are dozens of different thyroid conditions that can affect a woman in as many different ways. Cancer and Hashimoto's disease are two very well-known disorders that occur in the thyroid. Thyroid conditions and disorders often cause hair loss in women as it's a common symptom. So if you are a woman who notices that her hair is suddenly thinning, you should make an appointment to have your doctor check out your thyroid.

One leading cause of female baldness and hair thinning is alopecia areata. The reason for it is an autoimmune disorder condition. You cannot determine if you have it or not without a doctor. You'll need to see your doctor, and he/she will make that determination. So just see your doctor if you notice any thinning of your hair. The good news is that you can treat this disorder. The reason it can be treated is due to the fact that it involves the autoimmune functions. The best strategy for treating this condition will be determined by your doctor.

There can sometimes be a chronic condition that will produce the sympton of hair loss. It isn't so much the medical condition, itself, as it is due to the medication that is being taken for the condition. Other times one of the symptoms is hair loss, and the doctor takes that into account when making a diagnosis. As is often the case with a chronic condition, it will be a permanent state. Then it becomes a situation of quality of life and effectively managing the illness. Also, many times the medication must be taken, there is no substitute, and the hair loss cannot be avoided. Your physician is your best bet when it comes to options for dealing with the hair loss.

Women's hair loss is not talked about, openly in the media, anywhere near as much as it is for men. What is well-known is that women have hair loss issues in many different contexts.

Women's hair loss does not get as much press as men's hair loss. It's hard to say why this is so. However it is probably true that women are much more embarrassed about this and may not seek help with it. Hopefully this will change. Research, time, and public awareness will hopefully shed more light on this area.

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Women's Hair Loss - Why Does It Happen?

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

By Eric Huff

You just may find it surprising that women's hair loss is a condition that's seen more frequently than people would think. The truth about female hair loss is that it happens close to as much as it does for men, even though men's hair loss gets more attention about it. So why don't you hear about it as often?

We're not sure if there are any TV programming or commercials devoted to this condition in women. A woman's hair can begin to thin due to a number of different causes. Continue reading to discover some of the reasons why a woman's hair may begin to thin.

Many women may already know that the time during pregnancy can often have a noticeable impact on their hair. The change is different for women, for some there's an increase in the rate of growth, and for others there's some loss of hair. After childbirth, the hair will begin to shed pretty fast for the women who experienced more hair growth.

It can be quite alarming, especially if this is your first pregnancy. But in time, after hormones and other body chemistries even-out, then the hair will also go back to the former state of normalcy. So the main point is to not let it get you too worked-up.

Men's hair loss is much more widely discussed than women's hair loss. So who really knows why this is the case, we don't know. However it is probably true that women are much more embarrassed about this and may not seek help with it. This will change though, we certainly do hope. In time and with research, women's hair loss will be understood better.

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Female Hair Loss Treatment Can Avert Her Lousy Thinning hair

>> Saturday, September 10, 2011

By Marion Jimenez

Amid the unfortunate items that can happen to thirty million gals in the United states of america these days, almost nothing is more troublesome than hair thinning. One-third of your female population must endure hair thinning after they age. It's in fact a each day typical situation that some hair strands are shed. It only results in being a problem when much more than only a few strands are misplaced daily.

Various health-related factors contribute to thinning hair including anxiety, hormonal imbalances, iron deficiency, age, genetics and so forth. Thinning hair treatment method however is perhaps as easy as the addition of healthful foods from the diet or taking meals supplements. Obtainable feminine thinning hair solutions are plentiful.

The very first thing to do is to identify what the reason for the hair thinning is. A simple modify in meals intake too as multivitamin health supplements can very easily remedy hair thinning if it isn't hereditary or perhaps a symptom of the key sickness. The preference of meals is important for over-all health, as well as hair situation. Between critical foods to get a nutritious hair are those with omega-3 fatty acids this kind of as walnuts, fish, soy, and canola oil. Satisfactory usage of food items with iron and vitamin B12 also stops hair thinning. Other nutrients necessary for hair in addition as pores and skin involve biotin and methylsulfonylomethane. These natural strategies must be regarded as to begin with ahead of resorting to prescription drugs as female hair loss treatment.

When not pharmaceutically authorized, quite a few natural medicate exist as female hair loss treatment. The extract recognized as observed palmetto is recognized to reverse loss of hair. Intrigued ladies need to not nonetheless exceed the suggested dosage since the extract also influences androgen pathways. Another all-natural heal is green tea which disrupts hormones accountable for thinning hair.

If taking health supplements will not enable, the following phase is to try out a health care female hair loss treatment, such as Propecia or Proscar. However, ahead of taking these, the health care provider really should decide irrespective of whether the hair thinning is brought on by another sickness, like thyroid disorders, anemia, an eating condition, and so on. Addressing the challenge can help to heal hair thinning. No treatments should be attempted with no finding a prognosis and recommendations from a doctor.

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Discover Hair Loss Treatment St. Louis

>> Friday, September 9, 2011

By Antoinette Oliver

Discover hair loss treatment St. Louis in your own home. Many of the items that can help repair brittle or limp and thinning hair is in your own kitchen. Men and women both can benefit from these simple remedies.

A person does not even have to go to the kitchen for this first remedy. Simply massage your scalp. The kneading and circulation motion of a massage will help to increase blood flow and warm the scalp, improving circulation. The follicles will be able to absorb nutrients and the relaxing sensation will also relieve stress.

Using apple cider vinegar as a rinse will also clean the dead skin cells that clog the follicles, allowing the strands to thicken. Just combine one cup of vinegar and one and one-half cup of water to apply to your locks. Rinse then shampoo as you would normally.

Honey is not just for the taste buds it can also be used to add bounce back to limp strands. Just apply some to the entire length of the strands and clip up or put in bun. Leave it on for twenty minutes then rinse and shampoo. Though this process is a little sticky, it will rinse out easily in the shower.

Another item in most kitchens is gelatin. Use the plain unflavored type and mix one package into a bottle of your normal shampoo. Shake well and use every time you wash. The gelatin will coat and thicken the strands while moisturizing. Please do not use a flavored type of gelatin as the coloring in the package will dye the strands.

Home made and natural remedies for hair loss treatment are available to most people. A raid on the kitchen cabinet will often result in thicker and healthier tresses. However, if after several months of use there is no improvement, seek medical counsel as this may be a sign of another condition.

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Hair Loss Research - What's New?

>> Wednesday, September 7, 2011

By Janine Hermosa

It may come as a surprise to some that hair loss research has become a field on its own. After all, men have been losing their locks for centuries and it has become an accepted fact of life. In some societies, bald men may even be considered more attractive than those with lots of hair.

Of course there are those members of the population that still prefer to have hair. A lot of these individuals even suffer from poor self-esteem when they start to lose their strands. This is one explanation behind the sudden boom of interest in hair research. The strong interest is growing even if far more serious medical conditions deserve attention.

Before dipping into new findings, it's crucial to first look at common knowledge. It is generally popular knowledge that in men, the condition is the result of testosterone getting processed into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and hair follicles dying. There was once a theory that the amount of DHT was directly related to the condition of hair shedding. It has since been discovered however that genetic makeup may have an even stronger influence on the condition. It is thus not just DHT that determines who loses hair but genetic inheritance as well.

Since the male condition is now fairly understood, several solutions have been generated. There are now a couple of synthetic DHT blockers that can help reduce or minimally reverse the condition. Some natural options are also being looked into. Saw palmetto for instance has been identified as a possible natural solution. It originally came under the radar of researchers because it was being studied for the possible benefits it could give men with prostate conditions. It holds some potential for blocking DHT. Do keep in mind though that to date, there is still no absolute cure for male balding.

Current research efforts now center on women. It has been found out by scientific inquiries and studies that females may also actually be suffering from a form of this condition. The difference between men and women though is that females don't really lose strands dramatically. Diffuse thinning is how the condition manifests itself in females. Not a lot of female sufferers will admit to this though.

Unfortunately, women may not benefit from many solutions used on men. To date, only a small percentage of minoxidil (one brand sample is Rogaine) is approved for treatment in women. Men may alternatively use finasteride.

One explanation to the necessity for caution in women is that there are secondary factors to consider. Hair loss in females can be the effect of stress, disease and hormonal fluctuations. Taking medication with the intention of relieving hair fall may cause more complications.

Scientists have definitely not gotten to the bottom of hair loss research. It's clear though that from the looks of it, many individuals, both male and female are eager for more research findings and conclusions.

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Getting Over Hair Loss Female

>> Tuesday, September 6, 2011

By Claire Brown

There is not any good reason why any ladies should have to suffer in silence on the subject of issues for example hair loss female. This situation is much more prevalent than one might originally imagine and it is something else that could be remedied in several effective ways so that confidence and self assurance can be restored as quickly as possible.

If we take a look at hair loss treatment for women we don't necessarily mean treatments that are utilized on the scalp to avoid further hair thinning or maybe the more complicated hair surgery which are often not without its failures. What we mean is subtle and natural looking results achieved via an in-depth and thorough consultation process followed by the handmade production of a hair piece that will consider the colour, gradient and direction of your natural hair.

Hair plays a very important role in the appearance - you need only consider how different someone can look with an all new hairstyle to grasp the difference it could make to someone if he or she suddenly began losing their head of hair. This is a lot more apparent on the subject of women since they often spend lots of time and money on keeping their locks in perfect condition so it could be completely disorientating and shattering to understand this tresses are thinning or falling out.

Hair loss female can be caused by a number of things including illness, stress and prolonged utilization of certain medications. In some instances hair will re-grow but in other the hair loss can be more continual or long lasting. You can still enjoy the same non-surgical hair replacement systems whether you anticipate your hair to grow back eventually or not while you hair system may be altered to reflect any new growth.

You don't need to fear seeking guidance on hair loss treatment for women because your consultant is going to be trained and experiences and will treat your position with the upmost dignity and privacy.

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Avoid Women's Hair Loss With These Hair Care Tips

>> Sunday, September 4, 2011

By Anya Vanderstar

Can women's hair loss really be stopped by good hair care? The answer to this question is not completely clear. It doesn't always work. No matter how well you treat your hair, it won't stop hair loss if you have a genetic predisposition for this. Yet it does help you maintain the health of your remaining hair, and this is important as well. Taking the best possible care of your scalp and hair will, in many instances, help to prevent hair loss in women. Losing your hair is an unpleasant and even frightening possibility for most women. We will now look at some of the most effective ways to keep your hair as healthy as possible.

Eating a good diet is good for your hair. Believe it or not, the more healthy and balanced your diet is, the healthier your hair will be. Since your hair contains so much protein, you need to get enough of this in your diet. Talk to your doctor about the best way to get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need to keep your hair healthy and your scalp happy. You may also need more iron in your diet. Or you might require more Vitamin D or potassium. You can find the right meal plan with the help of a good doctor.

It goes without saying that some hair care products are of a much better quality than others. Why do you think the cheaper products are so much cheaper? Get the best you can while staying within your budget. The very cheapest shampoos do not always do a good job of making your hair clean. Your stylist will use the best she can on your hair because she wants to see the best results, as do you. So if possible, use the same products that the professionals use.

Your hair will respond better in terms of health by staying with a brand that works well for you. Just find one you like and that works and go with it. Don't switch more than every few months. Switching more often increases your risk of breaking down your hair or weakening it through too much strain.

This may be obvious, but we'll say it anyway - be sure to comb your hair each day. Of course some women will never get a comb through their hair, so then just brush it every day. Your hair follicles and scalp can get clogged with oil if your hair is matted too much for too long. So many women have dreadlocks, and they are terrible for the scalp and hair for this very reason. Proper hair care might not keep women's hair loss at bay permanently. But you can develop a confidence about your hair by becoming more aware of taking care of it. You'll feel happier about things in your life, and that will help just in case your hair does start to thin. There are some things doctors can do that may help you, so that is an alternative you should think about.

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Popular Hair Loss Fighting Remedies

>> Saturday, September 3, 2011

By Alonso Storrs

Every man can remember the day they first noticed their receding hairline, for some it's swiftly followed by a bald spot. This is a condition that they have little control over.

Although most men would be able to try anything to stop the onset of baldness, there really isn't anything for them to try at the minute. The way that science develops however, there may well be in the future.

If your receding hairline is as a level where you want to try something to stop it in its tracks, there are some remedies available which say they will help you to do this. None of these come cheap so your budget may determine which one you try.

All you need to do to purchase the popular treatment called Rogaine is take a trip to your local drug store will. The solution uses Minoxidil to fight against the hair loss.

There are constant studies into effective methods of reducing hair loss, and Rogaine has always fared well. Some say it has stopped their hair loss totally while other found it stopped their follicles regenerating.

If your hair loss is further advanced, you may want to try a stronger treatment. Propecia comes in pill form and has been approved by the FDA, and is available on prescription only. As it is much stronger than Rogaine, it slows the process right down and also encourages hair at the front of the head and on the crown to grow back.

As with any drug, there are reported side effects. You may start with a low dose to see how your body handles it.

The third and last treatment I'm going to recommend to day is the inventively named laser comb. Every day you should apply this comb to your scalp to stop hair loss, or at least reduce it.

At the end of the day, which treatments you try is entirely up to you and your personal situation. If you want to have a look at some others, there are plenty listed on the internet. Until scientists come up with the cure, will just have to try and fight baldness the best we can.

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Hair care is an important part of looking good and feeling good, both inside and out. Maintaining your hair is very easy and also very important for your well being. But in order to maintain wavy, sleek, or curly hair, you must be quite dedicated. Here are few steps will enhance your entire look immensely, and help you take care of your hair

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