Some of The Many Factors In Women's Hair Loss

>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

By Elena Lopes

Everyone understands very well that hair loss for men is a very difficult condition to deal with. But women's hair loss is equally traumatizing and even devastating. This condition in women is a worldwide problem. In the western world, in particular, it can be a major cause of shame and embarrassment. There are social expectations about women and hair, and just one of them is that women don't, and shouldn't, lose their hair. Getting thin or going bald is very hard for women to deal with. Sadly, hair loss affects just as many women as it does men. What are some of the causes of this hair loss?

One obvious cause that we'll point out right away concerns the different treatments involving cancer therapy. Thinning and loss of hair due to chemotherapy is a well-documented side-effect. Fortunately, there is so much help and support available to women in this category. One great gesture for women concerns the existence of charity groups that collect wigs made of real hair, and then they supply them to women to wear while they wait for their hair to return to normal.

So with women, there is no patten that you can point to because it is just all over. Anemia is yet one more of the primary causes of hair loss seen in women. A high percentage of women will have mild cases of anemia due to their biological cycles. That is the reason you'll see more iron than men need in a women's supplement. A good and healthy diet plus supplements are common methods of dealing with low iron in women. Never make any attempts to give yourself treatment if you believe you're anemic. You can only receive a correct and professional diagnosis through blood tests recommended by your doctor. Sometimes this condition can be severe enough to warrant medication. So the bottom line is to see your doctor about it.

This is normal, but for first-time pregnancies it can be a bit shocking. But in time, after hormones and other body chemistries even-out, then the hair will also go back to the former state of normalcy. So just don't get stressed about it because it's all normal and not permanent.

Women's hair loss is also largely due to her genetic background. The best way to find out about it is to study the people in your family, and then visit your doctor for an assessment. This is a tough situation for some women because it is genetic, and nothing can be done to treat it. Obviously this a huge source of embarrassment for a woman, and she's helpless. Perhaps the only option for most women is they have to hide and conceal the hair loss. There are lots of reasons that a woman might lose her hair. Some examples are emotional reasons, physical, and even the environment. But the one way you can find out definitively is to see your doctor for tests. If you see changes such as we've discussed, then you owe it to yourself to find out for sure, and only your doctor can do that. They can also help you figure out how to keep your hair from getting thin or how to re-grow some of the hair that you have lost (if that is something that you would like to do).

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